
Friday, September 15, 2023

 I have rice bubbles for breakfast and I brush my teeth and I go to the market with Gran and I have a scone and I went have a look around and I went to the Remarkble cafe. and I have a hot dog and a drink and I went to the Lotto shop and I went to the gas station and I went home. I went to the Four square and I got a gumi yum.

on Sunday I went to Eva house and I have a drink. I went to the Remarkble cafe with Gran and Poppy and I have a drink. I went to the Four square and I got a gumi yum.

 I went to swimming with Dad and I went to the opshop with Mum and I went to the bakehouse and I have a pie and I went to Mums house and I have a chocolate glaze and I went to Kaeo Four square and I got a push pop and I went with Dad. Jo is kicking at swimming lessons.